How to choose your Estate Agent
When it comes to selling your home, the most important decision you make is likely to be one of the first decisions you make. The estate agent you use can have a huge influence on how and when you sell the home and the sort of price that you sell your home for.
When you start thinking about what estate agent is right for you, you should ask your friends, family members and colleagues if they have any experience of using local agents. There is a lot to be said for finding an agent that comes recommended and who has a track record that you can rely on. Online reviews can provide you with plenty of insight but you can never be too sure about what reviews are trustworthy and what reviews are false.
When you are looking for an estate agent, you will find that it is usually best to choose an estate agent that operates locally. In the property market, there is a great deal to be said for choosing an agent that has a good wealth of knowledge in the local area. They know the demographics that are looking to buy in the area, they should know the best places to promote property and they should be ideally placed to answer any questions that any potential buyer may have about the local area.
Local agents can help but sometimes bigger is best when selling a home
There may be times when calling on the services of a larger firm of estate agents may be best. If you have a particularly unusual or a property of a higher value, you may want to call on a firm who has experience in selling the type of property you own. That is an area that may impact on your final decision but for the majority of sellers; a local agent will be the best bet.
Some quick tips in finding the best agent for your needs include:
- Look around your local area and see what agents are listed as sellers, what companied are listed on “sold” boards
- Look at agent websites – are they selling properties like yours?
- Look at agent websites – do they look professional and promoting the property effectively?
It can also be helpful to determine what the viewing policy of an agent is. Will they provide you advance notice of anyone coming to view your property or will people turn up announced? Will an agent be present when someone is undertaking a viewing of property? These may sound like small aspects but they are aspects that can make your life easier when it comes to selling your home.
It may also be helpful to find out if an estate agent has more than one office in the local area. If you are reliant on one agent and they are off sick, on holiday or unable to represent you, you may find that you don’t get the level of service that the company is usually able to offer. You should also look to see if the agent in question has any qualifications or what level of experience they actually hold.
Selling your home is a major step and you should take steps to ensure that you find the right agent for your needs.
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