Tenants now safer
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms protect public safety
Installation of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to be made compulsory
Landlords will be required by law to install working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in their properties, under measures announced recently by Housing Minister Brandon Lewis.
Brandon Lewis claims that the new laws introduced will help prevent up to 36 deaths and 670 injuries a year.
These proactive laws will be implemented as part of a wider government measure to protect public safety, while at the same time avoiding regulation which would push up rents and restrict the supply of homes.
New regulations will be laid in Parliament to require landlords to install alarms in their properties, and are expected to come into force, subject to Parliamentary approval, on 10 October 2015.
The above changes would align the private rented properties with the existing building regulations which already require newly built properties to have hard wired smoke alarms installed.
Those who fail to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms could face sanctions and could face up to a £5,000 civil penalty.
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